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Dental Implants in Lynwood, CA

Dental Implants in Lynwood, CA

What Are Dental Implants?

A dental implant is a tooth root replacement procedure in which titanium screws are surgically placed into the jawbone. This is then allied to fuse with the bone, which will take a few months, depending on the quality of the bone. And after it is healed, the dentist will mount a replacement tooth on the artificial roots, which will act as a foundation.

Dental Implant Procedure

The dental implant treatment plan will depend on your unique requirements. This procedure can take multiple appointments. At first, the dentist will put you under general anesthesia and remove the damaged tooth. Then he/she cleans the area to be treated, inserts the dental implant into the jawbone, and sets another appointment for the next step. During the healing period, the implant fuses with the jawbone to mimic a strong tooth root. In the next dental visit, an abutment and a dental crown are placed over the implant to give it an appearance of the natural tooth.

Benefits of Dental Implants

  • Comfortable and looks similar to a natural tooth
  • High success rate
  • The implants are durable
  • No nearby teeth are affected during the procedure
  • Prevents the resorption and deterioration of jawbones due to tooth loss

How much Dental Implants Cost?

The cost of dental implants can vary from patient to patient depending on their unique conditions, such as the number of teeth to be replaced, the number of implants used, and the need for prerequisite oral care, etc. Hope Dental offers you the best quality dental implants that can help you smile with confidence again. For more information on the dental implant procedure, book an appointment now.